Definition of Solution And Types of solution on the basis of physical state of solute and solvent.
Solution : Definition of Solution :
✓ Solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more than two components.
[ Homogeneous mixture : those mixture which have uniform properties and composition. ]
Components of solution :
There are two component in solution
1. Salute :
✓ One of the components of the solution that are lesser in amount is known as Solute.
2. Solvent :
Those component of the solution that are present in large amount, is known as Solvent.
Examples :
H2O + Salt
H2O + Sugar
On the basis of Solvent , solution are characterized into three groups ;
1. Solid solution
2. Liquid solution
3. Gaseous solution
1. Solid solution :
✓ Those solution in which solid components are present in solution as a solvent ( i.e. Higher in amount ) is known as Solid solution.
✓ Solid solution are of three types
(a) Solid solute + solid solvent
( Ex- mixture of copper and gold )
(b) Liquid solute + solid solvent
( Ex- mixture of Mercury and sodium )
(c) Gaseous solute + Solid solvent
( Ex- mixture of Hydrogen and palladium )
2. Liquid Solution :
✓ Those solution in which liquid components are present in solution as a solvent ( i.e. higher in amount ) is known as Liquid solution.
✓ Liquid solution are of three types
(a) Solid solute + Liquid solvent
(Ex- mixture of Glucose and water )
(b) Liquid solute + Liquid solvent
(Ex- mixture of ethanol and water )
(c) Gaseous solute + Liquid solvent
( Ex- mixture of Oxygen and water )
3. Gaseous Solution :
✓ Those solution in which Gaseous components are present in the solution as solvent (i.e higher in amount ) is known as Gaseous solution.
✓ Gaseous solution are of three types
(a) solid solute + gaseous solvent
(Ex- mixture of Camphor and N2 gas ,
(b) Liquid solute + Gaseous solvent
( Ex - mixture of CHCl3- chloroform and N2 gas )
(c) Gaseous solute + Gaseous solvent
(Ex - Air , mixture of O2 gas and N2 gas )
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